No191 - Katja STRUIF: "SICK SEX 1/2", digitale Montage mit Kondomverpackung + Kalk/
digital assembly with condom wrapper + lime
No192 - Katja STRUIF: "SICK SEX 2/2", digitale Montage mit Kondomen + Kalk-Ejakulat/
digital assembly with condoms + lime ejaculate
No193 - agro: "Entwined", Linoldruck/ lino cut
No194 - Anne KANY: "germinal", mixed media
No195 - Louise BAUER: "O.T. (1)/
untitled (1)", Photography
No196 - Louise BAUER: "O.T. (2)/
untitled (2)", Photography
No197 - Louise BAUER: "O.T. (3)/ untitled (3)", Photography
No198 - Susanne CLEVER: "Ignorance", Ölfarbe und Tinte auf Papier/ Oilpaint and ink on paper
No199 - Susanne CLEVER: "Extinction", Ölfarbe und Tinte auf Papier/ Oilpaint and ink on paper
No200 - Susanne CLEVER: "Consequence", Ölfarbe und Tinte auf Papier/ Oilpaint and ink on paper