No85 - Marion WESTERHOF: "Little Yellow Bottle", Acrylic on paper/card
No86 - Andrea STROBL-REIßNER: "Schlechte Aussichten/ poor prospects", Ölfarbe auf Papier/ Oilpaint on paper

No87 - Christine STEUERNAGEL: "climate change I - Give corals the chance to recover!", Photo composition

No88 - Christine STEUERNAGEL: "climate change II - Give corals the chance to recover!", Photo composition

No89 - Christine STEUERNAGEL: "climate change III - Give corals the chance to recover!", Photo composition

No90 - Juliane VOWINCKEL: "Human Virus I", Cyanotype, Watercolour (based on own photography + collage)
No91 - Juliane VOWINCKEL: "Human Virus II", Cyanotype, Watercolour (based on own photography)
No92 - Juliane VOWINCKEL: "Human Virus III", Photography

No93 - Jurena WILLE: "Best Wishes", übermalte Ansichtskarte vom Roten Meer/ Red Sea

No94 - Jurena WILLE: "Recreation", übermalte Ansichtskarte mit Fischen im Roten Meer/ Fish in the Red Sea